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Saturday, 19/Sep/2009
IslayIan's Islay Photosynths
Today I'm going to revisit an earlier entry, just over a year after I wrote that entry. The topic is Photosynth, something I had thought of taking pictures for during my Islay visits but so far have always successfully managed to forget actually doing. IslayIan to the rescue, same as last time.
In August last year IslayIan added this Photosynth of Port Charlotte on a beautiful calm summer day on Islay. Very nice, but to my knowledge the only Islay Photosynth available. Until this August that is, as Ian this year added a Lossit Bay, Islay, Scotland Photosynth. I briefly thought about embedding it here (like a YouTube video), but I think it only really works in large on the Photosynth site. Still, here's a preview (screenshot):

I hope you enjoy the views of Lossit Bay (you might have to install a plugin for your browser to see it), who knows, may be I even remember to take a few pictures for another Islay Photosynth during one of my next visits?
PS: Away from Islay (but on the way to Islay) and not from Ian I found these as well: Inveraray Castle, Erskine Bridge and Loch Lomond.
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