-> 2010 -> Scottish Ultra 2010 Islay & Jura DVD Trailer

Diciadain, 07/Jul/2010

Scottish Ultra 2010 Islay & Jura DVD Trailer

Islay on Video written in stencil

Some of you might remember the Spanish video from the Scottish Ultra on Islay and Jura. I also mentioned their blog in the roundup #123 and roundup #124. It's not exactly new news any more, but while I was away on holiday (on Islay obviously) Colin sent me a note alerting me to the trailer for the Scottish Ultra 2010 DVD:


Some nice footage in there, although I'm told they unfortunately missed the incident with the cow. More information via the Scottish Ultra website or through Colin.

If that makes you think about competing on Islay and Jura next year I suggest you start training this evening…

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