-> 2011 -> HitchHop to Visit Islay (and more)

Diluain, 20/Jun/2011

HitchHop to Visit Islay (and more)

Islay News in stencil

On Saturday Alison asked me if I had seen what @ hitchhop are up to. With limited internet access and time to surf the web while on Islay I hadn't, but I've since caught up. Their plans certainly look interesting and they also include a visit to Islay:

Picture of the HitchHop logo

Starting from an as yet undisclosed location on Friday the 1st of July Brian and Jim will aim to visit as many Scottish islands as possible within 14 days before completing their adventure by arriving at the lighthouse at the Butt of Lewis (most northerly point of the Western Isles). They aim to raise funds for the RNLI, if you want to support them here's their fundraising page. While they can't be sure that they will make it to Islay it's where they first met and they would like to return to Islay on their journey. Assuming they will make it to Islay and Islay's neighbours I hope they will get as much help as possible. They think they can get to at least 30 islands, I think with a bit of help from local folks with boats there should be quite a few opportunities in the area:

Once they are under way and in particular once they get near Islay I will follow their adventures with interest. If you're interested, they're on Twitter @hitchhop, HitchHop on Facebook and there's also a HitchHop Blog. Fingers crossed they can hitch as many lifts as possible on Islay and to the neighbouring islands!

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