—> 2013 —> Microlight landing on Gigha video

Diardaoin, 15/Aug/2013

Microlight landing on Gigha video

Gigha Excursions written in stencil

Regular readers know that I love aerial videos, videos from flights to Islay and its neighbours. Most of these videos show views out of the cockpit or windows. Today's video is a bit different, here the camera is attached to the tip of the wing:

Kim Lands on Gigha from Graeme Ritchie on Vimeo.

They fly in from the south (may be coming from Campbeltown?), you can see Islay and Jura on the horizon early on. Before they land you can also see the windturbines, where a fourth turbine was recently added.

I hope you enjoyed the video and found the different perspective interesting as well. Back to Islay tomorrow for the Friday Islay picture.

Sharing and discussing. Opening up the discussion. Have your say:

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