—> 2014 —> Islay Otter video by the Dower House crew

Disathairne, 11/Jan/2014

Islay Otter video by the Dower House crew

Islay on Video written in stencil

Having been out most of today walking and taking pictures of common birds at Hosehill Lakes Nature Reserve in Theale, West Berkshire I thought I need something slighty more ‘exotic’ for tonight's Islay blog entry. The Dower House crew to the rescue. Not only are they restoring a nice house on Islay, they are also wonderfully blogging about it (and their life on Islay) and are making interesting videos. Like this one:

YouTube: The Kildalton Otter Part 2 - Islay

Admittedly Otters aren't really exotic, at the same time they can still be fairly elusive and many many people have never seen one in the wild in their life (and many never will, sadly). Loch a'Chnuic seems to be a good place to spot one, some wonderful sightings in the video.

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