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Diciadain, 05/Feb/2014
Mixed Islay links in early February

Thought I should do one of those again, a potpourri of links to Islay related news and websites I've come across over the last few weeks. This includes the IECBS, foreign distillery owners, a new restaurant to open soon, a book, travel pictures and another takeover:
I've mentioned the Islay Energy Community Benefit Society (IECBS) a while ago, on the Guardian website we find Islanders "Blown away" by response to community share offer to harness the wind.
Following the Beam/Laphroaig acquisition by Suntory a (I think) well thought through analysis by Ian McConnell in the Herald: Suntory proves that overseas ownership can be good for Scotch, mentioning Bowmore and Laphroaig.
The website doesn't seem to be live yet as of writing this (it will be at, but Yan's Kitchen, a new restaurant to open in Port Charlotte in early March, already has a Facebook page: Yans kitchen on Facebook
I'm not sure if any of the stories are set on Islay, but the cover picture on Eddie McGarrity's book First Person was certainly taken on Islay.
Gabi Vogt took picture of Islay for a travel report for a Swiss magazine called Annabelle. After a quick search I managed to find the online version of it: Postkarte aus Islay, Schottland: Wo der Whisky Geschichten erzählt. And while I was there I also spotted Rachel McNeill betreibt den Blog «Whisky for Girls».
To close some older news most will probably have heard of already: Distiller expands Islay operations, which is Bowmore taking over the Harbour Inn.
That's all for now, I hope some of it was interesting for you. Feel free to send me suggestions for the next edition if you think I've missed something worth mentioning.
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