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Friday, 31/Aug/2007
Friday Islay Picture (24)
The last Friday in August, the last day in August and the last Friday Islay Picture in August. This week I've decided to pick a picture linked to two entries from earlier in the week, Islay on Radio Scotland Alert and Tom Friedrich and George Robertson, Two Famous Islay People. It's a view of The Oa with the American Monument visible out in the distance high above the sea:

The American Monument is one of the memorials remembering the sinking of the American troop carriers Otranto and Tuscania, which were covered in the programme presented by George Robertson. Listening to the programme earlier this week motivated me to update my HMS Otranto and HMS Tuscania Memorials, Islay page earlier this evening.
There are views of Machir Bay where the Otranto sank and the cliffs of The Oa where the lifeboats of the Tuscania landed. Those pictures were taken on calm and light days, keep in mind that both disasters happened in atrocious conditions.
Despite these sobering thoughts, have a great weekend!
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