-> 2007 -> Asian Islay Blogging

Tuesday, 14/Aug/2007

Asian Islay Blogging

Islay and Asia is not a new topic on this blog. I've mentioned Asian Visitors To Islay last year after writing about Japan and Islay earlier. Not to forget writing about Bacchus and I probably meeting on Jura (and possibly Islay) a few weeks ago. But today's entry is about two Asian blogs with an Islay connection:

For the first blog I believe we travel to Korea, at least judging from the address the blog is from Korea: :::: D R I N . K R ::::. In the good old Web 2.0 fashion they've dropped an e and the drinker became a drinkr. Islay is known for its famous Islay Single Malt whiskies and they have a quite long entry about Laphroaig in (I think) Korean and some tasting notes/ quotes in English. I hope someone can confirm my assumptions and possibly even translate some of the post into English.

Next we return to Japan. If you've read the Asian Visitors To Islay entry you will already be familiar with the protagonist, Takeshi Mogi, who already runs an Islay website in Japanese. A few days ago Takeshi started his Islay weblog in Japanese at While I can't read anything of it I believe I might have one or two Japanese readers (feel free to say hello in the comments!), I hope they will find it interesting.

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